Enneaphyt 3 - Biogroup

Enneaphyt 3

Food supplement based on floral extracts known to perform a balancing and tonic action.


Pharmaceutical form: 40 orosoluble tablets of 300 mg. Net weight 12,0 g e

Ministerial indications for physiological aspects: Food supplement based on floral extracts known to perform a balancing and tonic action.

Ingredients: Vine (Vitis vinifera L.) Bach flower, Vervain (Verbena officinalis L.) Bach flower, Rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus nauseosus Pall. Britt.) californian flower, Aloe Vera (Aloe vera L.) californian flower, Scarlet Monkeyflower (Mimulus cardinalis Dougl.) californian flower, Black Eyed Susan (Tetratheca ericifolia Sm.) australian flower , Pale Sundew (Drosera pallida Lindl.) australian flower.

Use: one to three tablets a day or according to medical prescription.

Warnings: Keep out of the reach of children under three years of age. Do not exceed the recommended dose.

Content of characterizing supplements

Average values per daily dose

Components Per 1 cpr
Sucralosio 1199,93 mg
Vine, Bach flower 0,01 mg
Vervain, Bach flower 0,01 mg
Rabbitbrush, californian flower 0,01 mg
Aloe Vera, californian flower 0,01 mg
Scarlet Monkeyflower, californian flower 0,01 mg
Black Eyed Susan, australian flower 0,01 mg
Pale Sundew, australian flower 0,01 mg